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Likes, Comments and Revs for Accounts

Happy Friday!

I just pushed an update that lets all posts, comments and likes belong to the default account that everyone gets on sign up.

Previously, if you had a car, you could post, like or comment as that car, but at the moment, all likes, comments and posts have been reverted back to accounts.

So all your previous likes, comments and posts are now with your account.

At the moment, you can only post as a single account - the one that you registered with. But it's in the roadmap to let you create separate accounts for each or all of the cars you shall add to your account. This will allow you to post, comment or like as your cars instead of your default account.

This change was necessary in order to make it easy to add other features on top of what we currently have, including getting followers which is coming soon!

Until the next one, happy weekend!