Hey @kaka Ruto Am having infinites scroll its a high time you implement throttle feature. Thanks
8 months
Kaka Ruto @kaka 8 months
I got you, you'd like to only fetch extra resources as you scroll down right? As opposed to fetching everything in one go yeah?
Nicholas Kipkoech @kipkoech 8 months
Assume you have 1 million posts in a day, probably the platform will large since everyone is requesting for a resource
Nicholas Kipkoech @kipkoech 8 months
Not really just to save the workloads on your server
Kaka Ruto @kaka 8 months
Ah, I see what you mean! You do not want to have infinite scrolling?
Nicholas Kipkoech @kipkoech 8 months
Throttling is a technique that limits how often a function can be called in a given period of time. It is useful for improving the performance and responsiveness of web pages that have event listeners that trigger heavy or expensive operations, such as animations, scrolling, resizing, fetching data, etc.

For example, if you have a function that fetches some data from an API every time the user scrolls the page, you might want to throttle it so that it only makes one request every second, instead of making hundreds of requests as the user scrolls. This way, you can avoid overloading the server or the browser with unnecessary requests and reduce the bandwidth consumption.
Kaka Ruto @kaka 8 months
Hi Nick! Thanks. What do you mean by throttles though? Limit the number of revs one can make?