About Autoculars
Gain deep, actionable insights into automotive technology's past, present, and future to make smarter decisions about your vehicle, career, or investments
The story of automotive technology and innovation is more than just horsepower and fuel efficiency. It is a tale of human ingenuity, economic forces, and societal transformation. 

It's a narrative that stretches from the first sputtering internal combustion engines to the silent hum of electric motors, from manual steering wheels to AI-driven autonomous systems.

This story isn't just about cars; it's about how we move, work, live, and interact with our environment. It's about us, in the present.

And to understand the present, and be ready for the future, we have to understand how we got here.

That's where Autoculars comes in.

Each week, I sift through the noise of industry news, emerging technologies, and market shifts to deliver insights that matter to you.

I'm Kaka Ruto, a Biomedical Engineer turned Software Engineer, who is now getting deeply immersed into the world of automotive technology and innovation. 

Our goal is to provide you with clear, concise analysis that connects the dots between headline-making industry news and its real-world impact on you. We'll explore questions like:

 • How will the shift to electric vehicles affect your next car purchase and your community's infrastructure?

 • What do autonomous driving technologies mean for the future of work and urban planning?

 • How are global economic policies and trade agreements shaping the cars available in your local dealership?

 • What impact will advanced materials and manufacturing techniques have on vehicle performance and sustainability?

 • How are changing consumer preferences influencing car design and the future of brands we've known for decades?

Each newsletter is crafted to give you not just information, but understanding. We'll dive into the history that shapes current trends, examine the economic and political forces at play, and look ahead to what these changes might mean for our future.

Whether you're making decisions about your next vehicle purchase, considering a career in the auto industry, or simply want to be an informed citizen in a world increasingly shaped by automotive technology, Autoculars is your trusted guide.

Join us each week as we peer through the lens of automotive innovation to gain a clearer view of our changing world. Because in the end, the story of the automobile is the story of us all.
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A newsletter about automotive technology - the past, present, and future
Kaka Ruto
Kaka Ruto
Founder and writer @autohaven
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